SVDP October reflection

John Freund, CM
October 6, 2013

svdp-logoOctober Reflection  by Maureen MacIsaac, Chairperson Canada National Spirituality Committee

Our meetings begin and end with the sign of the cross. This is to help us remember that the entire meeting is a prayer where we ask for strength and guidance from Him so that we make the decisions He would want us to make. In addition, when we pray together we help and support one another. For the same reason, members pray together before making a “home visit” so that we will be open as to how He wants us to serve those we are visiting.

To be asked to serve His poor is a gift for which I am most grateful. It has changed my life in more ways than I would have imagined. Each year I look forward to the coming of Thanksgiving, so that I can thank Him in a special way for all the gifts He has given me and for the many ways He has helped me to serve His poor.

Some years ago, we received a request from a lady that was well known to us. She asked if we could give her a little larger grocery chit so that she could buy a turkey for Thanksgiving. We visited her in her home and listened, as we always do to the difficulties that she was currently experiencing. This lady had been in difficulties for quite some time and she had been given many hardships. During this visit, she was more depressed than usual and after listening to her problems, one could understand her depression. She finished her conversation by saying” I don’t know why I want a Thanksgiving turkey as I have nothing to be thankful for.” I was at a loss for words and sent up a prayer to the Father for help. The next minute, this lady’s grandson came
running into the living room, climber up on the couch and hugged his grandmother. I said your grandson is a great blessing from God that you can be thankful for. She looked at me with the most beautiful smile and she thanked us for reminding her that God has indeed blessed her.

As Vincentians, indeed as Christians, we believe that He is always with us but there are many times in our lives that we have tangible proof that He is with us and helping us and guiding us. We just have to keep our hearts and minds open so that we can hear Hism voice. Knowing that He is with us is what gives us the energy and the strength to continue that work He has asked us to do.


  • What gifts has He given me?
  • How do I use these gifts to serve His poor?
  • What can we do to make our meetings more prayerful?


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