Ordinary caring and sharing

John Freund, CM
October 5, 2013

Susan-CaminoFamVin contributor Susan Stabile reflects on one of the many  lessons she is learning during her month long 500 mile pilgrimage along “The Camino” in Northern Spain.

Taking care of each other, whoever they are, wherever they are from, and whether or not you even remember their name, seems to come naturally on the Camino. Steve lost his towel, so I gave him my sarong. Someone left his converter, so Beth let’s him use hers. Someone buys a bottle of wine and invites whoever is around to drink. This morning I walked into the kitchen of the albergue (pilgrim hostel) and a couple of young pilgrims waved me over with instructions to grab a plate and share some of their breakfast. Someone needs ibuprofen, bandaids or some other first aid supply and someone pulls it out of their pack for them. Everyone shares what they have and looks out for each other.

My simple question is this. If pilgrimage is a metaphor for our lives (and I believe it is), why does what comes so naturally on the Camino seem to elude us so often in our every day lives?

– Given the nture of her pilgrimage and the avilability of internet connections she can only post occasionally on her blog Creo En Dios.

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