Vincentian Family of Chicago

John Freund, CM
September 21, 2013

VinFam ChicagoThe Vincentian Family of Chicago offers a new website with details of its celebration Saturday, September 28

Translating the Vincentian Charism Today

  • how we can translate our founders’ charism in our city of Chicago today
  • what are the essentials on which we all need to focus
  • how can we come together in a cohesive, collaborative way
  • how can we pass on the Vincentian mission to young people

Jess Werner has been the Director of the Vincentian Lay Missionaries since 2010.  The Vincentian Lay Missionaries is one of the newer associations of the Vincentian family.   She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame Alliance for Catholic Education program.  Her previous experience as an elementary school teacher over a six year period was in the United States, Central America and Eastern Europe.  Jess has a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in Education Policy and Administration. She will share the story of how she became involved with the Vincentian spirit and how other young adults are attracted to our Vincentian spirit and ministry and what she believes keeps them connected.

Pat Bombard, BVM is the director of Vincent on Leadership: The Hay Project at DePaul University, which focuses on research, education and training connected to the leadership legacy of Vincent de Paul.  Dr. Bombard is a member of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Dubuque, Iowa, USA.  Using her background in spirituality, leadership, and administration to facilitating strategic planning with small and large groups, Pat will lead a discussion following Jess’ presentation and assist the group to determine next steps for the Vincentian Family in Chicago.

Liturgy:  Fr. Mark Pranaitas





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