Resources from SVDP New South Wales

John Freund, CM
September 21, 2013

Among the resources offeredsvdp-logo-aus

The Vincentian Visitation Guidelines

The Vincentian Visitation Guidelines are for members and volunteers who are engaged in visitation. They provide a common framework for offering assistance and aim to encourage good practice in the manner in which we respond to the needs of both the people. View the Vincentian Visitation guidelinesĀ here.

New Resources about Frederic Ozanam

‘Invisible Threads’Ā Enjoy this short video produced by the Council General International (CGI) about the Society around the world.

It started with a studentā€¦‘ This animation about Frederic and the beginning of the Society was created as part of the celebration for Frederic Ozanam Bicentenary.

‘Fredericā€™sĀ  Legacy‘ explores the founding of the Society and how the inspiration and energy of Frederic Ozanam continues through the good works and practical action of our members, volunteers and employees today.

Blessed Frederic Ozanam Bicentenary Liturgy Kit

The 200th Birthday of Blessed Frederic Ozanam occurs on the 23rd of April this year, making 2013 the time to celebrate this great occasion. We encourage Vincentians to mark this special year with various activities throughout the year. A Liturgy Kit has been developed to assist in planning a Mass, prayer service, or other celebration.Ā Ā Click hereĀ to open.

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