Enchanted and Enchanting! AIC

John Freund, CM
September 4, 2013

aicThe international President of the AIC (known as Ladies of Charity in the USA) writes to their leadership in various countries about initial plaans to celebrate their 400th anniversary! An anniversary such as this is a rare one.

Dear friends the National Presidents,

In a few days we will be celebrating the Feast of Saint Vincent and on this occasion we will formally commence the preparations for AIC’s 400th anniversary!

For the AIC, the anniversary is a unique opportunity to become stronger and find new energy for the next 100 years to come!

As Father Eli Chaves CM, our international spiritual advisor, says let us dream for the future of:

“An AIC that is enchanted and enchanting”

We will develop this idea over three phases building up to 2017 and we invite you to take possession of the “action plan” in the appendix and to share it with your National Council and your members.

As you will see, it’s a real process of evolution that we have put in place with the Executive Board and to achieve it, we need you! The secretariat will be in contact with you soon to tell you how you can help us in practical terms.

We warmly invite you as a national president to lead your association along this path with enthusiasm, open “to God’s surprises”, just as His Holiness Pope Francis invited us to be at the Feast of Pentecost.

We will celebrate the upcoming Feast of Saint Vincent united in prayer, entrusting to him our AIC, our family and all the people who rely on us.

May Saint Vincent and Saint Louise be with us.

Kindest regards to everyone,

Laurence de la Brosse

Natalie Monteza





1- 2013 – 2014: Internalisation

Understanding and internalisation of AIC’s special features by volunteers.


Letting ourselves be “enchanted” by Saint Vincent’s project

Means: Training booklets

October 2013

·         Simplified explanation of AIC’s special features (training booklet).  This understanding will allow for internalisation: Who are we? What do we do? Why? How?


·         Help volunteers to immerse themselves in Saint Vincent’s enchanting spirituality and to internalise it. (Spiritual training booklet – Father Eli)


Year 2014


The Spirit of Saint Vincent motivates AIC


NEW PRESENTATION: each month a text will be sent out online to presidents and subscribers. The paper booklet will be published in December 2014.


2- 2015 – 2016: Communicating

Get those close to us interested in AIC’s action, know how to talk about AIC to those around us: family, friends, at church, to social services, donors, etc…


An AIC that is enchanting


Means: Training in communication


Year 2015: International Assembly


Training booklets: Preparation for and actions from the assembly


3- 2017:  Celebrating and Training

Celebrate with disadvantaged people, become better known by the general public, train up new volunteers.


An enchanted and enchanting AIC which gives off the scent of Charity


Means: Local and national events such as pilgrimages to Vincentian or Marian sites, international events for 8th March (International Women’s Day), international assembly.



Reminder: AIC Operational Guidelines 2013-2015


 AIC 2013-2015 WORKING TOGETHER Education: A two-way process:


–          to identify and value skills and potential

–          to encourage interdependence

–          to promote co-creativity


Through a personal transformation and supported by AIC Training:


–          spiritual, ethical and Vincentian

–          in techniques, particularly in communication and visibility




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