Vincent learned to make a difference

John Freund, CM
August 27, 2013

Vincent  learned to love the poor through a series of life-changing events.

Vincent  learned  through listening,  seeing what worked and did not work.

Vincent and his contemporaries had to figure things out on their own.

Those who came after Vincent had to figure it out on their own too. The world changed and they had to figure out how to serve the poor in their times and countries.

We study the past not to copy, but to bring the values and purposes forward into a new time and place.

We study the present to see what works and doesn’t work.

This is the story of the VinFormation  project of FamVin.

VinFormation is a site that can help each of us to learn how to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

It offers insights into how Vincent, Louise, Frederic, Elizabeth, and others learned to evangelize the marginalized in word and deed. It offers resources gathered from people creative unto infinity. Sometimes it raises questions about exactly what is the best way to serve in the 21st century.

As a website VinFormation is also in the process of learning. This week marks a milestone in that process of helping the followers of Vincent and Louise learning how to make a difference. We present a major revision making it easier to discover resources in learning how to serve.

We  hope you will try it. We welcome your feedback!


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1 Comment

  1. Marguerite Broderick Dc

    We are so grateful to have this information available and so creatively presented. Thank you, John Freund and many collaborators for what we have on VinFormation!!