Be Still – A Generous God – Clinging – Be Alert

John Freund, CM
August 6, 2013

Lynn  L’Heureux  writes…

Be Still – A Generous God – Clinging – Be Alert

My dear Vincentian Brothers and sisters you are in my prayers this week and especially Tuesday.  I hope your Tuesdays become days of miracles.  Be still and know our generous God is with you.  Cling to Him and always be ready.  Be alert always and know that our God is always with you.  May you feel His presence in all you do and know His love.  “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. As you make your requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. Pray this way for kings and all others who are in authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity.”  1 Timothy 2:1-2 NLT Amen!

Be Still and know I am your God.  Shout for joy.  God is offering abundance for all people who come to Him.  Be still and listen to His call, you are chosen to serve in your Vincentian work.  He is with you on your home visit with the single mom and children.  He is with you on your prison visits and guides you with the right words.  He is there as you tend to the homeless and hungry.  You bring them His love. The more aware we become that God has chosen us, the more we desire for others to hear God calling them as well.  He hears the cry, be still and listen to His words of love.

Generous God – So many of us wait for a miracle before bowing to Christ. The “good” thief witnessed no miracle; he witnessed only Mercy (Lk 23). Miracles are always happening, but we fail to see them.  They are before us in simple things.  We look for the wealth of the world and a sign by winning great money and having many worldly things.  We need to understand God’s generosity and when we do, we are truly wealthy.  Even if we live from pay day to pay day or are searching for a job, we have richness in the peace God’s generosity brings us.  The peace God gives is long lasting and will not leave as long as we call Him to us.  His generosity and love endures forever.  While God’s generosity may also bring material blessings, we must remember that whatever God gives us is not ours alone; it is to share with those we serve.  Everything we have belongs to God and we long to share with others when we answer His call.  Think about how sharing God’s generosity with others has made a difference in your life.  Reflect on this and thank God for the goodness.

Clinging to God and knowing his word keeps us together.  Following the Church law in this year of Faith which is coming to an end soon reminds us of why we cling to God and the Church.  “In the beginning God made human nature  and decreed that all His children, scattered as they were, would finally be gathered together as one.  All men are called to belong to the new people of God. Wherefore this people, while remaining one and only one, is to be spread throughout the whole world and must exist in all ages, so that the decree of God’s will may be fulfilled.  God sent His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, that He might be teacher, king and priest of all, the head of the new and universal people of the sons of God.  God sent the Spirit of His Son as Lord and Life-giver. He it is who brings together the whole Church and each and every one of those who believe, and who is the well-spring of their unity in the teaching of the apostles and in fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers”. LUMEN GENTIUM, para. 13 This is who we are as Vincentian Family.  We cling to one another and our Faith.  We see Christ in all our brothers and sisters and especially in those we serve.

Be Alert always.  You must be ready.  We do not know when God will call on us, we must always be alert.    St. Ignatius of Loyola recommended this prayer to penitents: “Receive, Lord, all my liberty, my memory, my understanding and my whole will. You have given me all that I have, all that I am, and I surrender all to your divine will, that you dispose of me. Give me only your love and your grace. With this I am rich enough, and I have no more to ask.”  God, teach us to live simply, without excess and fear. May we be captivated by your provisions and formed in your abundant generosity.  Help us to stay alert and wait in loving patience for our God to lead us.  Let us love and serve all those our Lord places before us.  The world is noisy and calling us in many directions, we must be alert always.

Please pray for all those God places before you.  Your visit is not over when you walk out the door, it continues with prayer.  Hold those we serve close to our hearts and lift them up regularly.  God answers these prayers and is most generous with His healing, loving touch.  Pray for peace and let it begin with you.  Pray for our Youth who are generous, loving servants, embracing the challenges God places before them. Work with them for the greater Glory of God.

Remember to visit try to spend some time searching for special happening in the Vincentian Family.  There are some beautiful write ups on Year of Faith, Pope Francis homilies and activities and articles other members of our Vincentian family are involved in.  Indulge yourself in the bounty of this site.  You will be thankful you did.



Pray for each one of us in the Vincentian family to know why we do what we do.  It is all for the glory of God.  Quotes from Saints to reflect on.  Bless your week  – Lynn

Orar por cada uno de nosotros en la Familia Vicenciana para saber por qué hacemos lo que hacemos. Es todo para la gloria de Dios.. Citas de Santos para reflexionar. Dios bendiga tu semana –  Lynn

From the altar of the Lord I go to the altar of my work. It is Christ whom we must proclaim through our lives, to him we offer the sacrifice of our own will. – Blessed Zdenka Schelingová (1916-1955)

Desde el altar del Señor, voy al altar de mi trabajo. Es Cristo a quien debemos de proclamar con nuestras vidas, a Él le ofrecemos el sacrificio de nuestra propia voluntad. – Beato Zdenka Schelingová. (1916-1955)

He loves, He hopes, He waits. Our Lord prefers to wait Himself for the sinner for years rather than keep him waiting one instant.  – Saint Peter Julian Eymard

Nos ama, tiene esperanza en nosotros, nos aguarda. Nuestro Seqor prefiere esperar al pecador durante aqos antes de hacerle esperar durante un instante. – San Pedro Julian Eymard 

He who trusts himself is lost. He who trusts God can do all things.  – Saint Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787), Doctor of the Church,

El que confía en sí mismo se pierde. El que confía en Dios puede hacer todas las cosas. –San Alfonso María de Ligorio (1696-1787), Doctor de la Iglesia, 

Because true happiness, does not consist in the pleasures of the world or in earthly things, but in peace of conscience, which we have only if we are pure in heart and mind.  – Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925)

Porque la verdadera felicidad no consiste en los placeres del mundo o en las cosas terrenales, sino en la paz de la conciencia, que tenemos únicamente si somos puros de corazón y mente. – Beato Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925)

Lynn  L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada

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