Daughter of Charity teaching fatherhood???

John Freund, CM
July 22, 2013

This is the headline of Denise LaRock’s latest blogpost. She continues…

Sr. Carol Schumer - teachingSister Carol Schumer, a Daughter of Charity, teaches at Fathers’ Support Center in St. Louis, MO.  Her story of being a celibate woman effectively teaching men about fatherhood was written up in the local paper in St. Louis recently.  The article takes an honest look at why this set up with Sister Carol wouldn’t seem to work and how Sister Carol is so effective in her role mentoring fathers to be dads. Here is the link:


I asked Sr. Carol for her reflections on working with the men at Fathers’ Support Center:

I am privileged and challenged as I learn and grow with the men who participate in my parenting program through Fathers’ Support Center.    Over the 15 years of my ministry with Dads, I have come to appreciate more and more how much they love their children and want to be the best parent possible for them.    They greatly desire information and modeling of healthy, positive techniques in their role.    I’m blessed to accompany them on life’s journey.

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