Meeting God in beauty - WYD Festivals

John Freund, CM
July 19, 2013

The Youth Festival has the objective to promote the meeting of man with God, through the beauty expressed in the artistic shows and Brazil’s natural and cultural richness. All the cultural and religious acts are strongly rooted in Catholic Christian faith, but go beyond: are acts that dialogue with the world and highlights the presence of the church in the society. Will be concerts and music shows, theater, dance and music that will integrate the Youth Festival, besides art exhibitions, cinema and natural and cultural visits to service of pilgrims.

Within the WYD, we will also have great spiritual moments, done by congregations and national and international movements. Churches, squares, public and private spaces, will be locals of the large gatherings of prayer and mission. Thus, the Youth Festival, could unite the different artistic expressions, with several moments of prayer, meditation and action, result of an experience of faith with Jesus Christ.

WYD Festivals

The official WYD site provides details on

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