Charity Federation - Lifelines

John Freund, CM
July 3, 2013

Halifax logoCharity Federation Connections — Lifelines (July 2013) Visit the website for further details about each headline…

Federation Meeting in Leavenworth

Much of the work at the Federation Meeting in Leavenworth, Kansas can be seen on the Federation website.

One of the reports offered during the meeting was from Debra Weber, facilitator of the US Federation Justice and Peace Contacts. …

Going Green…..
Sisters of St. Martha Initiate a Garden Apprenticeship Program

Bethany, Antigonish, Nova Scotia is the scene of a new initiative for the Sisters of St. Martha. They have entered into partnership with Jen and David Greenberg, well established organic gardeners in the Valley, to begin an apprenticeship program in gardening. The focus is vegetable production that is economically viable and environmentally friendly. Click here for more.

Sisters of Charity of New York

In its fifteenth season, Sisters Hill Farm produces not only a harvest of vegetables but a community united by its gratitude, love and reverence for Earth which shares her bounty. Located in Dutchess County, New York, Sisters Hill Farm is a Community Supported Agriculture farm sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of New York…..

Sisters of Charity – Halifax

New Dawn Enterprises, the oldest community development corporation in Canada, has as its Mission: To engage the community to create and support the development of a culture of self-reliance. …

Welcome the Stranger
Sisters of Charity Convent Station

1-Public Stand on Immigration Reform Press Release June 14, 2013

2-Happy birthday to Sister Regina Rose Palkovics who celebrated her 100th birthday on June 7th!

3-Recommended-The New Dimensions magazine of the congregation.

Sisters of Charity Nazareth Kentucky

Congratulations to the new Central Leadership team which was just elected at their General Assembly. Susan Gatz, SCN,(center) was elected President, Sangeeta Ayithamattam, SCN, was elected first Vice President and Brenda Gonzales, SCN, was elected second Vice President. (read more about their general assembly at the Fam Vin website)

Sisters of Charity Cincinnati

Midway between Chapters the Sisters and Associates have a three day gathering that gives them a chance to see how they are doing in relation to the direction set at the previous Chapter gathering.

Grassroots Activities

Save the Date Info – The Federation Connections Committee of NY, NJ Metro area, invites members to participate in a Circle Line Cruise on September 14th . Sail together in celebration of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Canonization Anniversary!


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