Think you understand Ozanam?

John Freund, CM
July 2, 2013

SVDP 2013 MadisonThink you understand Ozanam? Really get to know him this September in Madison

The spirit that Frédéric Ozanam helped kindle among five of his college friends in 1833 spread rapidly through Europe, swept across the Atlantic by 1845, and has ever since infused the work of American Vincentians on behalf of our nation’s neighbors in need. In 2013, 200 years after the birth of our Society’s principal founder, his spirit of service in friendship is very much alive — but ever in need of renewal.

Take part in the 2013 National Assembly of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and you’ll discover much about the Ozanam you’ve never known and rekindle that spirit in your own life and work as a Vincentian.

Sign up soon at for this year’s National Assembly, slated for Sept. 11-14 in vibrant Madison, Wis. Themed “Be the Bridge – Renewing the Spirit of Ozanam, our 2013 meeting will mark the 200thanniversary year of Blessed Frédéric’s birth by emphasizing the spiritual and practical legacy he left us.

Ozanam-focused offerings

A range of workshops in five tracks will be offered during the National Assembly.

The “Spirit of Ozanam” track will focus explicitly on the lessons and inspiration we can draw from the way Frédéric lived his faith.

Workshop topics will include Ozanam’s role as a pioneer of Catholic social teaching, the historical context of his times, and even what “Les Misérables” has to teach us about the milieu in which he co-founded the Society with his friends.

Friday morning’s general session will feature both an Ozanam Symposium, offered by a panel of experts, and an Ozanam Retreat.  National Episcopal Advisor Bishop John Quinn and our keynote speakers, former Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M., and Society International President General Dr. Michael Thio will draw on the example of faithful service Ozanam remains for us today as we work to foment systemic change.

The Ozanam-related offerings of this National Assembly will be of high value those working as spiritual advisors and formators, of course, but also to all Vincentians – called, as Frédéric was, to seek and help the poor, suffering and forgotten.

Youth gatherings recall our founders

Frédéric and friends were students when they started the Society 180 years ago.  College-age and high school Vincentians will have their own special gatherings as part of this year’s National Assembly in Madison.  Links to registration materials for these low-cost weekend meetings of young people following in Ozanam’s footsteps are available at

Early-bird registration ends July 31!

Those of us beyond college age may register by July 31 at the early-bird full-conference rate of $249.  The regular registration rate of $289 will apply during August.  (One-day registration at $125 will also be available until Aug. 31.) After Aug. 31 the full-conference rate will increase to $329 for late and on-site registration.

Book your room soon, then your flight

On the National Assembly registration site you’ll find links for online room reservations (click here) at The Concourse Hotel and Governor’s Club in downtown Madison. Our nightly rate for single or double-bed rooms at The Concourse is $129, plus tax; the meeting rate for Governor’s Club rooms with added amenities is $169, plus tax.  Our room blocks have the needed capacity, but Madison is bustling this September; rooms are hard to find for the weekend before and days following our National Assembly. Be sure to book your lodging before making your flight arrangements.

 Don’t delay.  Register TODAY for the 2013 National Assembly in Madison

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