It's good to be back!

John Freund, CM
May 30, 2013

Shepherding the migration of close to 30 sites in some 6 languages under the umbrella of VinFormation is no easy task and I would like to publicly thank Beth Nicol for doing exactly that.

Yes, FamVin is much more than just a news site. If you haven’t explored beyond the news I encourage clicking on the links across the top of  any page.

Now that our upgraded server in is place we would love to hear from you regarding a few simple questions.

1. What do you find most valuable about the VinFormation project?

2. What would you like to see us  tackle in connecting the Vincentian Family digitally?

3. Do you have any gripes you think we should know about?

Click  to … Let us know

Graphic adapted from  hackenslash-album for photobucket


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