SVDP youth receive advocacy award

John Freund, CM
May 24, 2013

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Youth Conferences (Philippines) received an award as the “Most Outstanding Student Organization for Advocacy” during the Gawad Vincentiano 2013 sponsored by Student Development and Services and Student Affairs Office of Universidad de Sta. Isabel, which was held on March 09, 2013 at USI- Auditorium.

svdp advocacyThis award was given to the organization for their admirable service to the Bicolano Community fostering Functional Literacy and Catechism to non-readers and non-writers among elderly citizens at Consocep, Tigaon, Camarines Sur, thereby exemplifying institutions core values on co-responsibility and social commitment.

The Functional Literacy Program and catechism of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) in partnership with the Community Extension Service (CES) serves as an avenue and privilege for the SSVP members to impart their time and effort to educate our fellow brothers and sisters and share one’s knowledge in teaching reading and writing. The Functional Literacy and Catechism is a key towards better learning among our partner-communities especially those who cannot afford to study at a formal school. The project addresses the illiteracy rates of the country and we know that educating those who are not capable is a very good response to the problem that our present society have. The organization believes that through proper education and individual can uplift himself or herself from the poverty that they are in today. The program aims to educate adult learners who are non-writers and non-readers and catechize the selected pupils.  Also, this is the organizations’ way of responding to the needs of the community members and sharing one’s time, effort and knowledge for the betterment of our fellow brothers and sisters as well as ourselves.

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