Photo album of VFCAP Day 1

John Freund, CM
May 24, 2013

From Thomas Zielinski in Paris… VFCAP – Day One – Monday, May 20, 2013 Recognize anyone?

Greg Pentecost VFCAPMonday, May 20, 2013 was first “full-time” day in Vincentian Family Collaborative Action Program in Paris. It was named “Visionary Day”. Fr. Patrick Griffin CM, Director General of the Daughters of Charity brought us back to the times of St. Vincent and St. Louise, origins of our charism. The main event of the day was a heritage tour to Vincentian places in Paris: St. Lazare – where the original Motherhouses of CMs and DCs were, St. Laurent Church, the Parish church of Vincent and Louise were both of them were first laid after death and finally to the church of St. Nicholas des Champs, where St. Louise experienced her Lumiere. Superior General, Fr. Gregory Gay CM talked about this experience of Louise in his homily during the Mass he presided in St. Nicholas. In the afternoon we return to conference on reviewing ou charism and history. This was wonderful day, impressing, and energizing people to deepen into the charism. Everrything was fine, but weather.


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