Most Holy Trinity

Ross Reyes Dizon
May 24, 2013

pagolaMystery of goodness

For centuries, theologians  have made much effort to study the mystery of God; they delve conceptually into his nature and expound their conclusions, using different terminologies.  But frequently, our words conceal rather than reveal his mystery.  Jesus does no speak much about God.  He simply offers us his experience.

Jesus calls God “Father” and he experiences him as a mystery of goodness.  He experiences him vividly in life as the Presence of goodness that blesses life and attracts his sons and daughters and motivates them to fight against what is harmful to human beings.  For Jesus, this ultimate mystery of being that we believers call “God” is a close and friendly presence that makes its way in the world in order to build, with us and alongside us, a more human life.

Jesus never separates this Father from his project of transforming the world.  He cannot think of him as someone locked up in his unfathomable mystery, with his back turned on the suffering of his sons and daughters.  Hence, he asks his followers to open themselves up to this God, to believe in the Good News of his project, to join him in working for a more just and a happier world for everybody, and to seek always that his justice, his truth and his peace reign more and more among us.

On the other hand, Jesus experiences himself as “Son” of this God, born to be the driving force in the world behind God’s humanizing project and to bring it to its definitive fullness over death even.  That is why he seeks at all times what the Father wants.  His faithfulness to him makes him look always for the good of his sons and daughters.  His passion for God translates into compassion for all those who suffer.

Hence, the whole existence of Jesus, the Son of God, is about healing life and relieving suffering, defending victims and demanding justice for them, sowing acts of goodness, and offering to everyone God’s mercy and gratuitous forgiveness—the salvation that comes from the Father.

Finally, Jesus always acts driven by God’s “Spirit.”  The Spirit is the Father’s love that sends him to announce to the poor the Good News of his saving project.  The Spirit is the breath of God which moves him to heal life.  The Spirit is his saving strength that is manifested in his whole prophetic ministry.

This Spirit will never be quenched in the world when Jesus is absent.  He himself so promises it to his disciples.  The strength of the Spirit will make them witnesses of Jesus, Son of God, and co-workers in the Father’s saving project.  This is the way we Christians live in practice the mystery of the Trinity.

José Antonio Pagola

May 26, 2013
Most Holy Trinity (C)
John 16, 12-15


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