Vincentian Service and Mission opportunities

John Freund, CM
May 18, 2013

Both Vincentian Service Corps – West and Vincentian Mission Corps offer opportunities for a young people to a year of their lives and to be changed in the process.


VIncentian Serivice CorpsIf you’re looking for a way to serve your neighbors in need while deepening your Vincentian spirituality and vocation, live in community, and make life-long friends, consider joining the Vincentian Service Corps – West for a year-long period of service. Members of the VInentian Family – such as the yourselves and other young members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – are given preference.

Please see the attached, or visit the VSC website at to learn more, or contact RJ Toledo, assistant director of the VSC West, at 650/991-6840

Come take a look, and see how one year of service can lead to a year – and lifetime – of change



Vincentian MIssion CorpsThe mission of the Vincentian Mission Corps is to provide young adults with an experience of living in community and working with the poor in the spirit of St. Vincent DePaul and St. Louise de Marillac. It is our goal that these young adults, as they respond to the call of the Gospel by working, praying, and living in the Vincentian spirit, will develop a consuming commitment to improving the lives of the poor and marginalized in our society.

Our volunteers are young adults who want to give a year of service to people living in poverty. Some have just graduated from college and want to serve before entering the work force or pursuing further education. Others have been working for a while since graduation but are feeling a call to service and a desire to learn more about themselves and what they want to do in the future. All of our volunteers have a desire to grow spiritually.

The Vincentian Mission Corps is directed by Kellie Willis. The program also has a Board of Directors comprised of Vincentians, Daughters of Charity, and lay people.

We are a proud member program of the Catholic Volunteer Network; and the AmeriCorps Education Award program

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  1. jbf

    My apologies for missing Colorado Vincentian Volunteers

    Any other groups offering year long opportunities that should added?