Privacy and Google Glasses

John Freund, CM
April 26, 2013 CC 2.0

Concerned about privacy? Frightened by Facebook? Wait until Google Glasses become available!

The London Telegraph writes… “The wearable computer that Google hopes we will all be wearing like glasses is actually a tiny camera, a microphone and a screen. Our every sight will be augmented with extra information, and everything recorded.

It’s likely, of course, that regulators will want a word with Google before this device goes on general sale, and it’s unlikely that Google would try to justify recording everything itself.

But some fearful bars have already banned customers from wearing Glass, before they’re even out. As Google’s Eric Schmidt put it, “We’ll have to develop some new social etiquette. It’s obviously not appropriate to wear these glasses in situations where recording is not correct.” And indeed you have this problem already with phones.”

What do you think about this new technology that is already available to some “early adopters”?


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