Sisters of Charity theme - Act Justly

John Freund, CM
April 2, 2013

S. Judith Metz reports… At a recent meeting, CEOs of the Sisters of Charity (Cincinnati) sponsored ministries and members of the Corporation Board for Sponsored Ministries discussed a desire to identify a common theme from the Sisters of Charity Mission Statement on which these ministries could jointly focus in a purposeful way over an extended period of time.

The theme chosen was “Act Justly.”

While recognizing that each sponsored ministry might highlight different aspects of this principle, they also agreed that all could benefit by articulating and sharing how it was being addressed in their workplace.

act justlyThis principle, to Act Justly, is rooted in biblical, theological and philosophical teachings of the Church and is the cornerstone of Catholic Social Teaching. In recent times it has been articulated in Church documents, in social action and social service ministries of the Church, and in the Sisters of Charity Mission Statement. A belief in the sacredness or dignity of the human person is the bedrock upon which acting justly is based.

According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the major themes flowing from the belief in the dignity of each person are:

  • responsibility to participate in community in all its forms, with an emphasis on the common good;
  • recognition of the rights and responsibilities of each person in society;
  • option for the poor and vulnerable;
  • respect for the dignity of work and the rights of workers;
  • acknowledgement that we are one human family.

We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers whatever our racial, ethnic, economic and ideological differences; • protection of people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all God’s creation.

The joint focus of our sponsored ministries on acting justly will be elaborated upon in future issues of the CBSM Mission newsletter, and by the agendas of subsequent All-Boards retreats.

In addition, each ministry will address how they are spotlighting justice when they submit their annual report to the Sisters of Charity. The hope is that this will assist all of us in living our faith and our connection with the Sisters of Charity more purposefully.

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