Sisters of Charity Federation strategic plan

John Freund, CM
April 1, 2013

The Sisters of Charity Federation shares goals on their website.


Building upon the Strategic Plan of 2008-2012 and based on our common charism, the love of Christ urges us, and our common mission to serve those living in poverty, we, members of the Sisters of Charity Federation, commit to collaborate.  This collaboration is more than joint efforts in ministry. It invites us to an appreciation of who we are as women religious so that collaboration becomes our way of life.

We understand that collaboration means never to do alone what can best be done together.  It involves thinking, planning and prioritizing together.  This includes our international members, Associates, and the Vincentian Family. Collaboration needs to be fluid, based on the issue and also the circumstances of each individual congregation.  In setting individual congregational priorities, we will take into account our Federation commitment to collaborate. Through the experience of collaboration, for the next five years, we challenge ourselves to act as a whole.


The Sisters of Charity Federation will carry forth into the future our shared Charism as it enfleshes our Mission and Vision.  This will require of us deep contemplation and prophetic action.


The Sisters of Charity Federation will effect systemic change by addressing issues of social justice for those living in poverty.


The Sisters of Charity Federation Board will establish criteria and processes for moving collaborative proposals to the Federation.

For the specific objective under each goal visit Sisters of Charity Federation goals


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