Vincentians sharing personnel

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
March 20, 2013

clapvi As part of the reconfiguration process of the southern provinces of CLAPVI (Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, PerĂș and the International Mission of Bolivia), we are embarking on a process to promote interchange of confreres on various levels. At a meeting of the provincials and the representative of the International Mission in Bolivia — held in Buenos Aires on March 18-19, 2013 — led by the Assistant General, P. Javier Alvarez, we arrived at an initial two-year plan. In 2014-2015, we envision the following:

— a formation meeting of superiors of the region;
— a formation meeting of theology students of the region;
— an international popular mission team composed of four(4) confreres that will give popular missions in the region.
To prepare the missionaries, we will send them for formation in missiology and pastoral practice at El Instituto TeolĂłgico Pastoral para AmĂ©rica Latina -ITEPAL ( from September 23 – December 15, 2013. ITEPAL is a program of the Latin American Bishops Conference in Colombia.

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