Stages in the life of a Pope

John Freund, CM
March 18, 2013

Catholic News Service offers a  timeline of Pope Francis’ life

Dec. 17, 1936: Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Italian immigrant parents.

— 1957: At age 21, falls gravely ill; eventually severe pneumonia is diagnosed, right lung partially removed.
— March 11, 1958: Enters novitiate of the Society of Jesus.
— March 12, 1960: Takes first vows as Jesuit.
— 1960: Studies humanities in Padre Hurtado, Chile.
— 1961-1963: Studies philosophy at San Miguel Seminary, Buenos Aires.
— 1964-1965: Teaches high school literature and psychology at Jesuit secondary school in Santa Fe.
— 1966: Teaches at prestigious Colegio del Salvador secondary school in Buenos Aires.
— 1967-1970: Studies theology at San Miguel seminary.
— Dec. 13, 1969: Ordained as a priest.
— 1970-1971: Spends “tertianship,” or Third Probation period of Jesuit formation, in Spain.
— 1971-1973: Serves as master of novices and vice chancellor, San Miguel seminary.
— 1973: Takes perpetual profession as Jesuit.
— 1973-1979: Serves as superior of Jesuit province of Argentina and Uruguay.
— 1979-1985: Serves as rector of Colegio Maximo and theology teacher.
— 1986: Goes to Germany to finish doctoral thesis.
— June 27, 1992: Ordained auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires.
— June 3, 1997: Named coadjutor archbishop.
— Feb. 28, 1998: Installed as archbishop of Buenos Aires.
— 2001: Co-presides over Synod of Bishops.
— Feb. 21, 2001: Elevated to cardinal.
— 2005: Receives second-highest number of votes in conclave that elected Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as pope.
— 2005-2011: Serves as president, Argentine Bishops Conference.
— March 13, 2013: Elected pope by conclave of 115 cardinals.

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