A Vincentian reaction to Francis

John Freund, CM
March 14, 2013

“We prayed.  The rain stopped.  There was a hush on the crowd.  The new Pope Francis came before us in answer to prayers.  A humble man who knows and has love for those in poverty and all of the faithful.  Praise be to God.” writes Lynn L’Heureux, author of the following Vincentian prayer…
O Lord God, we as Vincentians come together in solidarity to pray for the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of each Cardinal in the conclave to pray and choose wisely a new Pope,  pleasing to you by his Holiness and boundless love to lead your Church.  We pray that together with the Trinity they will choose the best vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, we pray in union with the whole Vincentian family for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Cardinals. May the Princes of the Church listen attentively to Your Spirit during the conclave.  May the hearts of the Cardinals be open to elect Your choice to lead the faithful in these troubled times of the beginning of the third millennium.  May their decisions be focused on the poor in spirit and all in need.

Come Holy Spirit, live within the hearts of the Cardinals of the conclave to strengthen them by Your love.  So that by Your Spirit new life will be created and the whole face of the world will be renewed.

St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and Blessed Rosalie Rendu, pray with us.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.  Amen

We could include an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be at the end.

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