Believe in comprehensive immigration reform?

John Freund, CM
March 4, 2013

Sheila Gilbert, National President fo the St. VIncent dePaul Society urges you to contact your representatives regarding immigration legislation.

Dear Vincentians,

Recently, I asked you to get involved in the fight for antipoverty programs in the federal budget and support reform of our immigration system. The latter issue has come into even more prominence before our national lawmakers, as anti-immigrant groups are flooding House and Senate offices with calls, messages and faxes opposing immigration reform.

Let me be clear:  Those of us who support reasonable and overdue changes to our broken immigration system will lose this fight unless Catholics and other supporters of immigrants step up NOW and call, email and write their Senators and Congressional representatives to urge them to support reform.

Just click on the “Take Action” link  and you’ll see a simple, direct message that you can send to your elected representatives.  (Please include any personal stories regarding immigrants whom you’ve helped, but remember to maintain confidentiality.)

Yours in St. Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frèdèric Ozanam
Sheila K. Gilbert
National President
National Council of the U.S. Society of St. Vincent de Paul

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