SVDP recipients receive Queen's Medal

John Freund, CM
February 22, 2013

Penny Craig will  receive the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal on February 23.

Mr. Jacques Lane  received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal on January 25.

See press releases below…

Dear Vincentian Brothers and Sisters,

I am most happy to inform you that our dear sister, National President has been recognized as a worthy recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. I am certain you will agree that no one is more worthy of this award than Mrs. Penny Craig. Penny has done so much to make our community, nation and planet a better place for all, especially the most vulnerable.

She will receive this distinctive honour on the 23rd of February from Jeff Watson, MP, at the Verdi Club in Amherstburg. It is unfortunate that attendance is limited and we can’t all attend and applaud Penny as she steps forward. Not only will Penny be honoured with the medal on the 23rd, it is also Bill’s and her fiftieth anniversary. What an outstanding couple!

Tonight perhaps, but certainly on the 23rd, let’s all raise our glasses and toast this remarkable lady and Bill for their many accomplishments.

Congratulations Penny!

Your sister in Christ,
Pam Baksi
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Windsor Essex Central Council


February 19 2013


It is with great pride that the members of the Joliette SSVP welcomed the nomination of Mr. Jacques Lane for the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. He received the honour from the hands of Mrs. Francine Raynault, MP, on January 25.

Sometimes, when talking about an organization, we have in mind someone in particular.

The same thing happens when, at the mention of a specific person, the name of an organization comes to mind. In both cases, that is what happens when we talk about Mr. Jacques Lane and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. It is like a marriage that has lasted for more than 50 years.

Mr. Lane made thousands of visits, responded to thousands requests, over the phone or in person. He and his wife have prepared and distributed thousands of Christmas hampers.

Mr. Lane has a charity that we qualify as “MILLIONAIRE”:

A charity made of movement, listening, de compassion;
a charity that does not count time nor money;
a charity that remains humble and efficient;
a charity that that erases all difficulties;
a charity driven by an unwavering faith towards the One who tells us,
“I was hungry and thirsty, and you gave me food and water, I was naked and you clothed me, alone and you visited me…”

Mr. Lane was the initiator of several SSVP projects, among them clothing and furniture stores. He remains today President of his conference, after being President of a group of stores.

Not only is he founding member of Hébergement d’urgence Lanaudière (Lanaudière Emergency Shelter) for the homeless, but until recently, he was also President of that organization.

He has been forever involved in the Cathedral parish as church warden and member of the Joliette diocese council for economic affairs, and participated to financing efforts for the renovation of the mother church, to the setting up of a colombarium, etc., etc.

Mr. Jacques Lane is a great Vincentian who deserves our total admiration.

He is an example to follow.

Lucille and Jean-Claude Bienvenue

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1 Comment

  1. Lynn L'Heureux

    Recipients of the Queen’s Jubilee Medal is great to see on Famvin. Congratulations Penny on receiving the medal and on your 50th Wedding anniversary on the same day. Congratulations Jacques, it truly is an honour for the Society in Canada. Blessings, both Lynn