Bl. Rosalie Rendu - February 7

John Freund, CM
February 6, 2013

Awarded the French Legion of Honor Medal, mysteriously still has fresh flowers put on her grave in Paris, stood at the barricades ministering and calling for peace in time of war, mentor to a group of young collegians who work continues today in almost every country in the world… just some of the things that can be said about Sister Rosalie. VinFormation draws attention to some of the resources that tell her story in greater detail.

For further reading, we recommend the beautifully written biography
Sister Rosalie Rendu: A Daughter of Charity On Fire with Love for the Poor by Louise Sullivan, D.C.

In particular, read the following chapters on two key aspects of Bl. Rosalie’s service of the poor of the Mouffetard District of Paris:

See also the four part presentation entitled SoulFire and Robert Maloney on on the Five Faces of Rosalie.

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  1. marguerite broderick

    This is all good stuff; I love your intro here–it’s catchy.