Vincentians in Partnership Newsletter

John Freund, CM
February 3, 2013

Among the news items….SVP distribute 5000 Vinnie Packs to homeless!

Reported in this weekend’s Independent Catholic News, SVP volunteers have distributed 5000 cold weather survival packs to homeless people through their soup runs and church projects around the UK. This is a fantastic effort and they are now appealing for funds to provide more.  The SVP would particularly welcome donations and support from companies.

Siobhan Garibaldi, Vice President of the Diocese of Westminster’s SVP said, “Last year the packs went very quickly. Fortunately we were approached by a London firm, Arrow Communications, who sponsored and packed another 1000 packs for us as a ‘team building’ exercise. They are going to help again but the demand is so great that we are going to need more”

To read the full article and for information on how to help/donate click

Vincentians in Partnership is the umbrella organization of all Vincentian organisations in Great Britain. This monthly e-newsletter gives you the latest news from the VIP and the Vincentian Family and actions for the justice campaigns we are involved in. For more information about the work of the VIP please see the VIP website.


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