Mission of the Daughters of Charity (Video)

John Freund, CM
January 21, 2013

Yakobis Surabaya has posted of 5 minutes YouTube video on the Mission of the Daughters of Charity. Although many of his over 300 videos are in Indonesian there are many in English.

St. Vincent describes the Daughters who have…

for monastery only the houses of the sick,
for cell a hired room,
for chapel the parish church,
for cloister the streets of the city,
for enclosure obedience,
for grill the fear of God,
for veil holy modesty…, and continual confidence in Divine Providence…

From the International site of the Daughters of Charity

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  1. Sr. Kathleen Simpson

    Dear Yakobis,

    Thank you so much for posting this. It is so well done!

    Sr. Kathleen Simpson,D.C.

  2. jbf

    This video was originally posted 2 years ago at daughtersofcharityusa YouTube channel.
    Apparently Yakobis forgot to acknowledge the source.

  3. Mike

    Thanks for posting this video!

    So inspiring. My prayers goes out to all the DC sisters who offer their lives in the service of the poor, especially to the DC sisters of the Asilo de la Milagrosa, Cebu, Philippines.

    May God be with them as they fight for a cause on a ‘fly over’ proposal which will eventually eat up a space of the asylum’s portals. Pray with us on this cause.