Blessed Lindalva 1993 martyr

John Freund, CM
January 7, 2013

Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira was the first woman to be beatified in Brazil. She was still a young Daughter of Charity, 4 years-vocation, when she was martyred. Her fidelity to her vocation and her love for everyone without preferences were so intense that she didn’t hesitate to give her life for them.

On 9 April 1993, Good Friday, after participating in a penitential celebration she was brutally murdered by a resident of Dom Pedro II Home.

1953, 20 October birth
1989, 16 July entry to the Seminary
1991, 26 January Sending on Mission to the Dom Pedro II Residence in Salvador
1993, 9 April Martyrdom
2007, 2 December beatified in Salvador-Bahia, Brazil
7 January feast day

For more details visit the international site of the Daughters of Charity.

See also Vincentian Encyclopedia entry

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