"Homeless ... but not helpless"

John Freund, CM
December 18, 2012

A Place Like This! a powerful  90 second trailer “about a place where homeless never means helpless…”

The St Vincent de Paul Society has teamed up with the prominent Australian agency George Patterson Y&R Sydney to produce a documentary offering a unique insight into homelessness. A Place Like This, made by former Matthew Talbot Homeless Services client Roy Faamatala, chronicles the trials and tribulations of six people – Roy, Krystal, Keith, Jon, Maria and Gabriel – all experiencing homelessness.

“This film actually tells the story of the many thousands of people who have nowhere to call home. It is their voice and shows that homelessness doesn’t discriminate. In the wrong set of circumstances it can be a scary reality for anyone at any time,” said Roy.

Text from the video trailer

  • A man without a home made this film…
  • using the skills he learned during his rehabilitation at Matthew Talbot Homeless Services …
  • a film about a drug addict who found his salvation through art…
  • a rock star who almost died in prison…
  • mother who kept her wits while everyone labeled her insane…
  • a girl forced to be on her own from age 10…
  • a film about a place where homeless never means helpless… A Place Like This!

The film was pre-screened this week at Dendy Cinemas Opera Quays. Filmmaker Faamatala said the documentary provides a voice for people who have fallen through the cracks into homelessness. READ MORE

Screenshot above taken from trailer of A Place Like This

Thanks to Tim Williams and the CM AUstralian site for drawing attention to this.



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