More on how to run a homeless action week

John Freund, CM
December 10, 2012

Poverty & Homelessness Action Week: get your church organization working to Close the Gap!

From the folks atPoverty and Homelessess..

Poverty & Homelessness Action Week 2013 will run from 26 January to 3 February. We organise the Week jointly each year with Housing Justice and Scottish Churches Housing Action. During the Week, hundreds of churches across the UK run services and events, and raise tens of thousands of pounds to fund projects and campaigns tackling poverty and homelessness.

In 2013, the theme of the Week is ‘Can you cast the first stone?’ We’re challenging the stigmatisation and blame that is increasingly attached to people experiencing poverty. It’s part of our ‘Close the Gap’ campaign aim to ensure that everyone in society gets a Fair Say.

As a supporter of Close the Gap, Action Week is a great opportunity for you to get the rest of your church or community involved. If you can, please use our free resources to organise an event during Povetry & Homelessness Action  Week. Run a church service to pray for change. Share stories from our transformational work in disadvantaged communities. Raise funds to support our work. Inspire people to join our movement for change.

Use our free resources to run a church service or other event for Poverty & Homelessness Action Week 2013!

Click here now to find out more and download your free Action Week resources!

Best wishes

Liam Purcell
Communications Manager, Church Action on Poverty

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