Life-giving Charity Federation Connections

John Freund, CM
December 4, 2012

Charity Federation Connections — Lifelines  – We want to focus on sharing the good news of what is giving our  congregations life and energy.  If any of what you read stirs a desire for more, go to the Sisters of Charity Federation website and you’ll discover what others within the Charity Federation are working on now. As Dr. Seuss says, “Oh the places you’ll go.” 


House of Charity Weekends-New Orleans

Jan 1-5, 2013 — An invitation to young adults to participate in the SC Federation Charity Service Experience.

January 18-21, 2013 — “Come and Serve” for those discerning a call to religious life. A time to experience service to the people of New Orleans, within the context of community and discipleship.

Contact  Sister Maryanne Ruzzo ( for more information.

Systemic Change

On October 27, at the College of Saint Elizabeth in Convent Station NJ, about 25 people gathered for a workshop facilitated by Sister Cj Willie, SC (Cincinnati).  The workshop was part of the ‘regional systemic change training for Vincentian Family members”.

Among the highlights were presentations by James Addison, leader of LEFSA (Life Experience and Faith Sharing Association), a sponsored ministry of the SC-NY’s; and by Jim Claffey, who’s on the leadership staff of St. Vincent de Paul Society on Long Island, NY.  October 25-27  2013, an experience on this same theme will be the focus at the National Vincentian Family Gathering in Indianapolis, IN.

Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth

On October 30, Sisters Janet Lehmann and Dianne Moore, along with Elizabeth Knoerl, a Maryknoll Sister, left for a three-year commitment in Duval Roche, Haiti.  Having spent three months in Haiti last spring studying Creole, they are returning with enthusiasm, committed to work with women and children in areas of healthcare and education. The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth based in New Jersey  and the Maryknoll Sisters are developing a collaborative effort. More information about their Ministry of Presence is available at

On October 27, the e Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth celebrated Sister Miriam Teresa Demjanovich (1901-1927)  being declared Venerable.  “Through this public act, the Church presents her life and spirituality to the Christian community as a gift and a special blessing.”

In this quote from one of her journals, it is obvious that Miriam Teresa recognized the universal call to holiness long before Vatican II:   “The imitation of Christ in the lives of saints is always possible and compatible with every state of life. The saints did but one thing – the will of God. But they did it with all their might.”

Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

The SC of Cincinnati celebrated the canonization of Kateri Tekakwitha in  the Sunday Motherhouse liturgy, led by  Sisters having Native American bloodlines.

They also viewed the ABC documentary, “We shall Not Be Moved, Catholic Sisters of New Orleans” , which the SC Ministry Foundation produced.  The movie is about the women religious who chose to stay for the sake of ‘their people” after Hurricane Katrina; S. Sally Duffy SC (Cincinnati) and Loretta Dees were the co-producers.  The movie is being shown on over 140 ABC channels throughout the United States; check for it in your area.  It can also be purchased for $16 through the Sisters of St. Joseph, Ministry of the Arts.  It is a credit to all women religious of the United States.  S. Georgia, communications contact, assures us, “It will make you proud!”

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

The latest Charity Connections newsletter focuses on this congregation’s history. As a way to celebrate their bicentennial, they have established a  Bicentennial Scholarship Fund – Honoring our Heritage, Giving Hope for the Future.

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth

Sister Maureen Craig, 60 years a Sister of Charity of Leavenworth, recently received the Caritas Award at the annual gala of Saint John’s Health Center, Santa Monica, CA. Sister has served at the hospital for 25 years and was recognized for her exemplary leadership in living out her personal commitment to the health ministry. One of her other passions is writing her poetic musings. Recently, Sister Maureen and May Lin Ho, age 14, collaborated on a book of poems.

Sisters of Charity of New York

Go to the SC-NY website to look at the Spirituality Section. A highlight is Prayers for Real, where you will find thoughtful poems and reflections written by their Associates and Sisters.

Sisters of Saint Martha

The Sisters of Saint Martha joined in the celebration of the canonization of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha. Sister Veronica Matthews and some Martha Associates were among those who traveled to Rome for the official canonization ceremony.  The Marthas in Antigonish installed a painting of Blessed Kateri in the Motherhouse entrance and distributed prayer cards to all who attended Sunday Liturgy.

Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception

Oct. 21, 2012 marked the 158th anniversary of the SCIC’s founding in Saint John, N.B.  On that date, 31 Sisters travelled north by bus to celebrate liturgy with parishioners and receive thanks for donating eight stained glass windows from their former Saint John motherhouse chapel.

“Hope, always awake, whispers Mercy for the future, as sure as the past.”

Elizabeth Ann Seton 

Found on the Sisters of Charity of Halifax website.

The Sisters of Charity Federation is comprised of 12 congregations of women religious, representing more than 4,000 members, who trace their roots to Saints Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac and Elizabeth Ann Seton.

Systemic Change Workshop
Systemic Change Workshop
Systemic Change Workshop
4-Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth Filled with Joy as Sister Miriam Teresa is Declared Venerable
Sister Miriam Teresa is Declared Venerable
Leavenworth: Sister Maureen Craig -- Caritas Award
Sisters of Saint Martha
The Marthas in Antigonish installed a painting of Blessed Kateri that will hang in the Motherhouse entrance and distributed prayer cards to all who attended Sunday Liturgy
Sister Mary Beth McCurdy displays the gift of a photo collage from Rev. John Fraser on behalf of the parishioners of St. Michael’s Basilica in Miramichi, N.B

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