Vincentian Family Leadership East Meeting

John Freund, CM
November 28, 2012

Continuing a tradition begun in 1996 Vincentian Family Leaders in the Eastern Region of the United States once again gathered to share information on regional activities, as well as to promote more local networking and collaboration for common projects.   This time it was in a conference call on November 20, 2012. Members once again shared activities and work together on goals for future collaboration.

Highlights from the various reports included:

  • the success of two Systemic Change Workshops that were held and attended by 90 persons in New Jersey and the
  • news that a DVD is being developed to train members of the Family on conducting Systemic Change Workshops in their local areas.
  • the Seton Service & Leadership Program which added eight more college students from the College of Mt. St. Vincent;
  • the opening of a day center in Macon, Georgia, known as Daybreak, a DePaul USA project;
  • two Daughters of Charity working as local community Vincentian Family Animators;
  • the Sisters of Charity Halifax having sisters at the House of Charity in New Orleans for service projects;
  • difficulties of a mapping project showing the location of Vincentian Family members throughout the United States.

Events of particular significance

  • the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in Convent Station, NJ are hosting a  “Charity Federation Grassroots ” meeting Saturday March 23, 2013 dedicated to the the theme “Memory and Reform ~ Re-Visiting the Council, Re-Visiting Our Charism” open to all Associates and Friends of the Charity Family in the New York metro area
  • the Ladies of Charity celebrating their 400th Anniversary in 2017;
  • a Vincentian Day held for the first time in Buffalo, New York. Over 100 members of the Vincentian Family in New York  had the opportunity to hear from Sheila Gilbert, St. Vincent de Paul Society president, and Lucy Ann Saunders, Ladies of Charity USA president. Evaluations on the program and gathering were very positive and suggested that maybe another event should be held next year. It was hoped that other cities in the East might host similar meetings.

East Coast Representatives are from:

  • Daughters of Charity St. Louise Province;
  • DePaul USA;
  • Eastern  Province Congregation of the Mission;
  • Ladies of Charity;
  • Miraculous Medal Association;
  • Missionary Cenacle Family;
  • New England Province of the Congregation of the Mission
  • Sisters of Charity of New York,
  • Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth,
  • Sisters of Charity of Greensburg,
  • Sisters of Charity of Halifax;
  • Sisters of Charity Federation;
  • St. Vincent de Paul Society;

The purpose and goals of the Vincentian Family Leadership East were discussed and will be revisited relative to the unique makeup of this part of the Vincentian Family. The next meeting will be held at Mother Boniface Spirituality Center on October 1, 2013. Youth groups of the Family in the eastern region will be invited to join. It is hoped that other regions of the country will take advantage of collaborating in their areas as a team effort to promote and maximize the potential of Vincentian Family members working together.


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