Is this the way to run a homeless campaign?

John Freund, CM
November 27, 2012

The program is based in Great Britain but famvin can vouch for the fact that it is receiving good attention in the blogosphere.

Dear ….

In the run-up to Poverty & Homelessness Action Week 2013, we’ll be sending out an e-newsletter once a month, with updates and reports about this year’s theme Can you cast the first stone? Welcome to the first edition!

1 Get your free resources

Just as in previous years, we’ve prepared a range of brand-new resources for Action Week 2013, which will equip you with everything you need to run a service or other event. All the resources are now ready and available to download in full colour, and they are FREE! Click here to download your resources now!

2 Make your plans

Using one of the resources, or just a small bit of a resource at a church service, is how simple it can be to get involvedBy making use of our Action Week-themed preaching notes in a sermon, showing one of our video clips, or by doing some of the activities for children and young people in your youth group, you can turn the hearts and minds of your parish or local community – with very little effort – towards those who are marginalised, stigmatised, and blamed in our society.

When you’ve decided what you’d like to do for Action Week, register your event online so that it’s added to our interactive online mapWhen you register your event, other people visiting the website can see the details of your event and get ideas and inspiration for holding their own eventIf you’re stuck for ideas you can see on this year’s map what other people have got planned. The contact details of even- holders can be found here too, along with the event details, when you click the pins on the map. Why not get in touch with other Action Week event-holders and get ideas from each other? You may even like to form an Action Week partnership with another church or group to hold an even bigger collaborative event! 

3 Raise awareness – and raise funds

Action Week exists to celebrate and support the vital work done by the Action Week Partners (Church Action on Poverty, Housing Justice, and Scottish Churches Housing Action). We need your support to continue standing alongside those who are excluded and marginalised, ensuring that their voices are heard and injustices are challenged.

There are a number of ways you can raise funds, including:

  • Donate the proceeds of your church collection
  • Hold a ‘Cup of Tea’ collection by asking people to donate £1 for a cup of tea or coffee after the service.

Whichever method you choose, the fundraising resources are available to download here. You will find a form which enables you and your group to make Gift Aid donations – so you can increase the value of your donation at no extra cost to you. There is also a submission form so you can return your donations to us. We will then record it and send you a thankyou certificate.

You may also wish to donate some of the proceeds to local projects which tackle poverty and homelessness.

News and updates

Poverty & Homelessness Action Week is on Facebook and TwitterFollowing us online is a great way to get regular news updates, as well as links to stories in the media which relate to poverty, homelessness and stigmatisation. We’ve already got over 700 ‘likes’ on Facebook – invite friends to like our page so we can spread the word about Action Week even further!

Stay in touch!

If you need any further help and advice with planning your Action Week event, you can call us or send an email – we are happy to help! You can find contact details for all the partners on the Action Week website.

Remember – when you hold an Action Week event, you make a significant contribution to tackling poverty and homelessness, and to tackling the unjust myths and stigma faced by vulnerable people in our society.

Many thanks, and best wishes

Ambrose McCarron, Church Action on Poverty

Poverty & Homelessness Action Week is organised by Church Action on Poverty, Scottish Churches Housing Action, and Housing Justice, and runs from 26 January to 3 February 2013. Together we can challenge prejudice, enable excluded people to live full lives, and build a fairer world.

Remember to download your free resource pack!

You are receiving this email because you registered to access free resources at the Action Week website. If you would prefer us not to contact you in future, just click here. 

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