Cincinnati Srs. of Charity Foundation - 0,000 "Sandy" aid

John Freund, CM
November 26, 2012

SC Ministry Foundation has responded with over $100,000 in grants for Hurricane Sandy relief in the United States east-coast regions impacted by the storm as well as in Cuba, Jamaica, and Haiti.

Funding has been channeled to the country’s leaders in disaster response. Catholic Charities USA and other local Catholic charities in some of the hardest hit regions, including

  • Brooklyn and Queens
  • New York
  • Catholic Rockville Centre
  • Newark
  • Trenton
  • Camden.

Grants have also been made to Catholic Relief Services to help with international relief efforts. Additional funding has been given to the American Red Cross.


Top Right: Damage from Hurricane Sandy in Breezy Point, Queens; Bottom Right and Left: Volunteers from Catholic Charities

“We continue to keep those impacted by Hurricane Sandy in our thoughts and prayers, as well as those people providing relief services,” says Sr. Sally Duffy, SC. “We hope that there will be continued generosity from those who are witnessing the suffering.”

In a response letter to Sr. Sally, Reverend Joseph A. Galante, D.D., J.C.D., expressed heartfelt gratitude. The purpose of the Sisters of Charity came full circle when within the letter, Mr. Galante quoted a piece of the mission.  “We choose to act justly, to build loving relationships, to share our resources with those in need, and to care for all creation.”

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