Halifax Sisters 125 years in Boston

John Freund, CM
November 19, 2012

From a Boston Globe article on the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Sisters of Charity of Halifax in the Archdiocese of Boston.

 “To mark the occasion, Sister Donna Geernaert, congregational leader for the order, announced donations of $25,000 each to St. Patrick School in Roxbury and the WAITT (We’re All in This Together) House, an adult education center in Roxbury founded by the order in 1979.

Geernaert said the anniversary was a time to “look at the sisters who did all kinds of courageous things, sometimes with limited resources,” but also to “bring that energy, commitment, and fidelity into the present so it moves us into the future.”

“I like to think of it as a time for rejuvenation,” Geernaert said.

Looking forward, two growing interests for the order are ecological projects and helping victims of human trafficking, issues they are working on with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.


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