Vincent de Paul Society - Voice of the Poor

John Freund, CM
November 12, 2012

Where the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Stands
Position papers are an essential part of establishing the view of the Society regarding the issues that affect those in need. The position papers of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are rooted in our Catholic faith and define our view of the social issues related to our Vincentian mission of helping those in need and living in poverty.


Who is the Voice of the Poor?
Voice of the Poor (VOP) is the advocacy arm of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. With members representing every section and demographic of the nation, we identify those issues that are critical to those living in poverty and need, and help bring attention to them so communities and our elected representatives can help develop strategies and tactics that will provide the most effective and efficient means to reduce or eliminate poverty.

Why the Voice of the Poor?
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is concerned not only with alleviating need but also with identifying those structures, societal and legislative, that cause and perpetuate poverty. This mission manifests itself in the Society’s admonition to “End Poverty Through Systemic Change.”

What Has Been Acomplished?
In 2011, the Society provided more than $660 million in tangible and in-kind services, served more than 10million people in need, performed more than 630,000 visits to people in their homes, and delivered more than 10 million service hours to those in need.

How You Can Get Involved
Serving as advocates for those living in poverty and representing them and their interests to our state and national legislators is a huge task. We spearhead that effort through Capwiz©, an online system that allows members and supporters of the Society to reach out to lawmakers when there is legislative activity ― or lack of it ― that affects those living in poverty.

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