SVDP CEO - Gender and class equality

John Freund, CM
October 20, 2012

“Last week we witnessed one of the most powerful articulations of gender equality by any prime minister.” writes John Falzon, National CEO of the St Vincent de Paul Society. It was heartening that so many women felt the prime minister was giving voice to their experience of gender-based oppression and discrimination. And it was significant that we have reached a stage in our evolution as a nation where feminist analysis is not marginalised even though the reality of sexism is still with us. But it was saddening that on the same day the Government and Opposition pushed through legislation to force more than 140,000 sole parents onto a Newstart Allowance that has seen no real increase since 1994.   READ MORE

CANBERRA: In a media release (October 15,) the St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia wants political and business leaders to get behind the campaign to raise the Newstart allowance and give recipients a fighting chance to re-enter the workforce. During Anti-Poverty Week 2012 (October 14 to 20) the Society is ramping up its call for an increase to Newstart of $50 per week as a matter of urgency. READ MORE


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