Not too late for Paris...

John Freund, CM
October 19, 2012

It is not too late to join 29 other people for a jam-packed week in Paris in May 2013!  An opportunity of a lifetime! The Vincentian Family is offering a unique opportunity for us to learn together what strategies we can use to collaborate in our struggle against poverty.

  • Would you like to re-awaken in your heart the primitive spirit of the founders of the Vincentian Family and experience it enfleshed again in your ministry?
  • Would you like to re-imagine your vocation, re-grounding all you do in your relationship with Jesus?
  • Would you like to re-ignite your conviction of the necessity for collaboration by the Vincentian Family to be effective servants of people living in poverty today?
  • Would you like to re-discover and grow the skills you need to be an effective Vincentian Family Collaborator in the service of others?
  • Then join us in Paris in May 2013!  The Vincentian Family is providing us with a powerful experience of our charism as we explore the collaborative foundation of our Tradition in the work against all forms of poverty.

See the VFCAP flyer for more information or contact Fr. Joe Agostino, CM at  See you in Paris!

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