The Faith of Frederic Ozanam

John Freund, CM
October 1, 2012

“Faith was the sacred fire for Frédéric.  It was both a virtue to be nourished and a gift to be shared.  It was a grace and a heritage in his life that made him justifiably proud and insistent in its public proclamation Faith gave him the nobility and the call to serve the poor with intelligence, humility, and mercy.  Frédéric understood the importance of Christians to be, and to be seen as, apostles sent to counteract the coldness of the world by the ardent fire of faith.  He saw the importance of fraternal support in practicing the works of mercy.  Above all, he saw Christ in the persons of the poor, and he responded to them as representatives of his master.”

With these words from Ron Ramson CM the Daughters of Charity international website begin  a reflection the Faith of Ozanam as part of their monthly celebration of the Year of Faith in Vincentian Perspective. Visit the site for the remainder of the reflection.

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