Four goes into one - DC archives

John Freund, CM
August 22, 2012

The Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise Archives now has a blog to go along with our Facebook page and website!


This is an exciting time for the Provincial Archives, as we are in the “home stretch” of planning for the move to our new facility in Emmitsburg, MD and the consolidation of archival collections from  four former Daughter of Charity Provinces.  In order to prepare for the move to Emmitsburg, archival collections at all 4 Daughter of Charity campuses (Albany, NY, Emmitsburg, MD, Evansville, IN, and St. Louis, MO) have closed to researchers effective August 15.  The move itself will take place over the next few months. We will continue to post short historical stories on Facebook, but reference services to the general public have been  suspended until the collection moves are complete. Once the collections are on the shelves in Emmitsburg we will resume our normal public service.

The latest news concerning progress on the new archives will be posted both here and on Facebook.

The new archives will have a climate controlled repository for housing the collections, a reading room for reseachers, and exhibit spaces. The archives will  open to the public in early 2013. Once the Archives opens, this blog will have information on services and public programs in the Archives. We’ll also post answers to commonly asked reference questions, to facilitate use of our collections by researchers.

Thank you for your interest the Province of St. Louise Archives!

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