What the Nazareth Sisters of Charity Care About

John Freund, CM
August 16, 2012

The August issue of Stop Trafficking co-sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth focuses on the issue of Labor Trafficking in the U.S.A.  (Available here)

See some of the other issues in their Weekly Justice Highlights for August 15, 2012

  • World Humanitarian Day is August 19.  The international community is invited to commit to doing something good for someone else that day.  A commitment can be made here.
  • Care of Earth: Urge Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack to protect wild forests from fracking and not to give in to  oil and gas industry pressure.
  • Human Trafficking:  The U.S. Congress has four pieces of pending anti-trafficking legislation.  PolarisProject urges support for pending legislation.  For more information and to take action.
  • Challenging Unjust Practices: The international community is invited to sign a petition to President Kikwete(Tanzania) urging him to protect the Maasai people of Africa from foreign hunters looking for places to hunt wildlife.
  • Urge Verizon board member Richard Carrion to demand that Verizon reach a fair deal for its workers with a contract.
  • A free United Nation’s daily e-mail briefing called, UN Wire, informing the international community on news can be obtained by signing up here.

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