Attending, supporting Vincentian Youth Rio 2013?

John Freund, CM
August 11, 2012

The Vincentian Family  has mounted a website with preparatory details for those plannning to attend or support those attending World Youth Day in Rio  July 18-212 2013.

Father Gregory Gay, CM has convoked an International Meeting of youth who are members of the different branches of the Vincentian Family. This meeting will take place from July 18-21, 2013 in Cidade dos Meninos (City of Kids), in Belo Horizonte city, in the state of Minas Gerais.

This gathering aims to:

A) Provide a personal and communal encounter with God to deepen our faith and commitment to the cause of those who are poor

B) Deepen our knowledge of the life and spirituality of Saint Vincent de Paul and of other testimonies of the Vincentian Family.

C) Facilitate the exchange of the experiences in living out the Vincentian charism from a greater knowledge of works for and with those who are poor performed by the Vincentian Youth present throughout the world;

D) Encourage fraternal fellowship and the deepening of the relationship as Vincentian Family; Vincentian Family | 2

E) Celebrate the richness of the Vincentian charism and spirituality in the service and evangelization of those who are poor in the Church. The registration for the WYD will be done for General Organizing Committee of the Meeting of Vincentian Youth as Vincentian Family.

Full details at the website

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