Vincentian Family in Philippine floods - assistance

John Freund, CM
August 9, 2012

For an update on the conditions of the Vincentian Family in the midst of the horrendous floods in the Philippines and how you can help  read the following release… “Adamson University through its Integrated Community Extension Services (ICES), with the help of volunteer alumni, students and personnel from Adamson University, Sta. Isabel College, Technological University of the Philippines, SVP Parish Lectors and Commentators Guild, Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Episcopal Commission on Youth resumed the second day of “AdU Charity Hub”. With help coming from different institutions, the volunteers were all inspired to continue the noble cause. Some initial donations and pledges as of 4:00 PM today were from the following:

  • AIC- Ladies of Charity – Philippines
  • Congregation of the Mission – Philippines
  • Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) – Philippines
  • Asilo de San Vicente de Paul (ASVP)
  • Adamson University Student Government (AUSG)

“AdU Charity Hub” is still appealing for more donations both cash and in kind.  Among the most urgent needs are:

  •          canned goods
    •          instant noodles
    •          biscuits
    •          bottled water
    •          clothes
    •          mats
    •          rice
    •          milk
  •          and ready to eat meal packs.

 We would be most grateful and would welcome all forms of help that you can extend. Let us be a source of hope… Let us be one and carry on St. Vincent’s legacy of organized charity! Please contact and send your donation to:

 Integrated Community Extension Services

Adamson University                                                       

900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, Manila 1000

Tel. Nos.      :    (+63 2) 524 2011 local 315 or 259

    (+63 2) 5218360 or 4000919

Mobile          :    +63905 574 8357 or +63999 166 5016 or +63919 498 0657


Account Name                 :        Adamson University (VCSR Fund)

Dollar Account Number    :        369496000066

Bank Branch                   :        PNB 900 UN Avenue, Ermita, Manila

Swift Code                      :        PNBmPHmm


Account Name                 :        Atilano Fajardo

Peso Account Number      :        279583700039

Bank Branch                   :        PNB 900 UN Avenue, Ermita, Manila

For more updates please visit

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  1. jbf

    A photo update for those comfortable with Facebook.

  2. jbf

    August 10, 2012 – More than 300 volunteers trickled in to join in the AdU Charity Hub Relief Operation. Among them were a cancer survivor, a CM brother, some Daughters of Charity Sisters and youth from Hospicio de San Jose. The volunteers composed mainly of students, alumni and personnel of Adamson University manned the Operation. A team received donations which poured in from different sources including from the Vincentian Family branches, neighboring universities, private organizations, charitable institutions, alumni, friends, students and even a number of anonymous donors who dropped in bags of relief goods. Repacking was also taken care of by the majority of the volunteers while some 50 of them did the distribution of 1000 relief packs to the residents of Northville 3, Meycauayan, Bulacan.

    After two hours of travel to the area, the 50 volunteers were not at all surprised to see the thigh deep murky water that they had to wade through to get to the residents. They were assisted by the local community leaders. Though the residents only received a bagful of goods, some of them were teary-eyed with gratitude especially because it had been four days since they last ate. These residents were relocated informal settlers and oftentimes do not belong to the top priority of recipients of benefits. Despite the fact that the volunteers had to sacrifice a lot — they got drenched in the downpour mid-distribution, had lunch at 6:30 in the evening, some even fell into the dirty water and got bruised — they were just so full of joy at being able to serve. Most of them promised to return and join the Operation again the day after. Indeed how wonderful it is that we have St. Vincent as a model and inspiration!