28 SVDP National Presidents receive training

John Freund, CM
August 2, 2012

The following is a report from a leadership training program involving 28 National Council President held in conjunction with a recent Latin American meeting of the scoiety in Medellin, Columbia.

Renato Lima writes…

“Thio, Lee and Brian, and sister Marie-Françoise,We have the pleasure to announce that yesterday (July 26th2012) we finish the National President’s Training Program with the attendance of 27 NATIONAL PRESIDENTS that have come from al Americas (North, Central, South and Caribbean areas).

The presentations are being done by brothers Edmund Keane (ITVP America 1) and Renato Lima (ITVP America 3) following the course applied in Paris last February.

The training is being held at Redemptoris Mater Seminar, in Medellin, Colombia, where some days after SSVP will promote the 5th Ibero-american Meeting with the presence of brother Michael Thio, President General.

People are appreciating a lot the presentations. The DVD “No time like now” was very well considered for everybody. The “Role play” about a National Council meeting was fantastic, with excellent participation and consensual resolution.
Edmund and I are very happy to share our knowledge with our Vincentian brothers and sisters from all Americas and Spain. Thanks to IGC for this opportunity!

On the next page, we can find the list of assistance country by country.

So, at this moment, these are the information we would like to share with you, dear

Best regards.
Renato Lima
IVTP America 3

Original report and gallery of photos (PDF)

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