Understanding Millennials

John Freund, CM
July 25, 2012

How to talk with Millennials – Beth Kanter quoting Scott Gerber

  • Stop saying that Millennials are lazy and spoiled.   Leverage that ego.   You are not being creative.  You have to inspire Millennials not talk at them.   Don’t put them down and make them feel like they are the lowly employee on the totem poll.   Talk with Millennials, Work with Millennials.  Collaborative with Millennials.
  • Millennials are not a market.    In one blink of an eye, we can unite behind a single cause and take you out or make you a hero.    It only takes one of us to create revolution.
  • Millennials are 24-7 generation.  The Internet has caused this.   Babyboomers think Millennials are lazy.  We don’t work hard, we work smarter.    We are 24-7 generation.  We can get you new business at 2 am on Saturday by being on Facebook.    We are a generation that doesn’t know what it is like not to have the Internet or a Microwave.   The traditional workplace norm of a 9-5 schedule doesn’t work for us.
  • Speak to Millennials.  In the corporate world, there is a hierarchy that makes decisions.   It’s top down.  The upper generation of a company handle the younger generation.   “Guess what,  we are not good at listening to older folks.  We tune out.”     Babyboomers need to figure out what Millennials are inspired by your organization or mission and take the ball and run with it.  They can be your internal Ambassadors.    If you can find a Millennial brand ambassador, they will find and inspires thousands.
  • Some advice for using social media to reach Millennial.  Don’t just put up a Facebook Page or tweet at us.  We’re not stupid.  You need a brand ambassador and authenticity.  You need to build community.  You need real world dialogue.   Get other people to spread the world.     The concept is simple, but hard to implement.  ”Most Millennials don’t read your crap, but if you get those ambassadors you will get their attention.”
  • Social media and personal branding are a part of the Millennial culture.   We are a generation of people who feels it is important to tell their friends what they are doing at this second.   If you can tap into the brand of your brand ambassadors you can be successful.     Don’t just throw schwag at young people, but include them the strategy discussion and let them know how important they are to your strategy.   Sit down with your brand ambassadors over coffee and tell them why it matters and how to inspire them.  Tap into their personal brands and find ways to inspire them to promote your brand.
  • Millennials want to do something that matters.    Upon graduation, their dreams were burst because they didn’t get the corner office but the mail room.   Babyboomers need to mentor these young people and treat them like equals, not grunts.  Ask the Millennials,  ”What is your opinion?”   Many times those ideas won’t fit, but some will and that could lead to dramatic success.
  • Millennial leadership is based on impulse and impatient action.    We don’t want to wait ten years or wade through the bureaucratic stuff.    Find ways for Millennial to navigate.    Let Millennials run with the ball and get it done.   Don’t make Millennials desk jockeys.     Understand that Millennials will not conform to your rules.    Make Millennials leaders and the power to implement their ideas.  Leadership comes from trusting people.    Should that Millennial fail, teach them a learning lesson.
  • Millennials don’t want to use your stupid campaigns, your Twitter hashtag, or another platform.   Mediums that didn’t start in our lifetime don’t have meaning for us.    That’s what changes business.  Message before platform.    Your message carries a generation.  Your authority carries a generation.  Your ability to inspire will take your nonprofit through the next 100 years.  You must keep up with technology!
  • Let go!!!   Millennials have no loyalty to anyone but themselves.    Let Millennials harness your brand, let your brand harness Millennial power.  Let the crowd own your brand and you will be successful.


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  1. Elizabeth D

    I am not sure how relevant much of this is. One of the big generation gaps I see is the different ways the generations approach their Catholic faith. The younger churchgoing Catholics most engaged with their faith are in many ways a traditional lot who are looking for real Catholic identity (these are the future of the Church, the ones who are orthodox, pro life and pro marriage, are going to marry, have kids, and really teach them and form them in the Faith–a few of their peers will join the growing traditional-type religious orders like the Sisters of Life and the Nashville Dominicans, that my friends here have joined. This is the type of Catholics who can be the future for the Church in general and also the Vincentian Family in particular, and if the culture of the Vincentian Family is not welcoming to them then it shoots itself in the foot. The National Catholic Reporter/”change the Church” type folks who are more episcopalian in their outlook, people who are primarily political, or the secularized youths who are very absorbed in electronic devices and entertainment quite sadly are not the most likely to be the people healthily engaged in their parish and growing in holiness. The core people to foster are those who are more on a track to sanctity, and these can attract others).

    SVDP should NOT see facebook or websites as a way that they are going to engage people much who are actually going to be involved, it is an organization based in the parish and based in direct service to the poor and the benefit of it is real life relationships and real life directly helping people. The benefit of SVDP is that it is not facebook, it is not superficial hip youth culture, it is real, it is something better. Real life connection with people takes some effort, but makes people happy.

  2. Beth

    What I hear is “Millennials are young and impatient.” — weren’t we all at one time? My generation (tail end of the Boomers) had a rude awakening when we graduated from college. We took to the streets, we protested what we felt were unjust wars, we were out to find the true and very real Church.

    And we pretty much tuned out folks who talked down to us. We were accused of being lazy (dropping out of society and in to our own world).

    If you want to reach the Millennials, put yourself in their shoes (remember yourself at that age). That’s what the advice sounds like to me.

    (Parent of 3 married adult children ranging from 27-33 who really just want to be treated with respect and as the adults they are).