Sisters of Charity Highlighted on Social Welfare History Project

John Freund, CM
July 23, 2012

Sisters of Charity Highlighted on The Social Welfare History Project

The Social Welfare History website is a nonprofit project designed with the goal of better informing the public about the history of American social welfare.

Author Mike Barga wrote about the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth on the The Social Welfare History Project website here.

From the article: Today, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, KY continue their healthcare, education, and social service work in response to community needs.  2012 marked their 200th anniversary, and the log cabin school from the days of Sr. Catherine still remains.  Their work now includes laypeople of varying roles, including volunteers and associates.  The SCNs now frame their mission in terms of standing by the oppressed, particularly women and those with financial difficulties.  The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, KY will continue their diverse ministry at all costs, a natural extension of their commitment to fearless service that began in the midst of civil war and contagious outbreaks.

The Social Welfare History Project

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