RomeReports video - Vincentian Pier Georgio Frassati

John Freund, CM
July 20, 2012

(Romereports.comHe was young and athletic. Loved skiing and going out with friends. He also tried to improve society through politics. This is the story of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, who was named an intercessor of WYD 2013. 

He was born in Turin back in 1901. But his life is still very relevant. When his parents got divorced he suffered a great deal, but he turned that pain into positive energy, helping those in need through politics.

Pier Giorgio Frassati’s Niece – Wanda Gawronska
“When Pier Giorgio was a boy, he saw a begging woman out on the street, who was carrying a baby. He called her over to his doorstep, took off his shoes and gave them to her, for her son.”

He was very athletic and loved to ski and take hikes in the mountains. It was during those moments in nature when he was able grow in his faith.

Pier Giorgio Frassati’s Niece – Wanda Gawronska
“John Paul II said that Pier Giorgio turned his  life into a wonderful adventure. Young people can learn from his faith, since he was able to find passion in every day things.” 

Pier Giorgio died suddenly at age 24 when Polio was at its height in 1925. Despite the time, his life continues to inspire thousands of young people, which is one of the reasons he was named an intercessor for the coming World Youth Day in Rio.

For more information on this member of the Vincent de Paul Society visit the Vincentian Encyclopedia


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