Justice highlights from Sisters of Charity Nazareth

John Freund, CM
July 12, 2012

Each week the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth website offers Weekly Justice Highlights
July 11, 2012

  • Urge U.S. Representatives to stop attempting to derail full implementation of the Healthcare law and get back to work creating good jobs for Americans. (Act as soon as possible)
  • In the spirit of St. Vincent: Call and urge U.S. Representatives (; charges apply) to protect hungry families from cuts by opposing any Farm Bill that cuts billions from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Currently the House is on track to cut $16.1 billion from SNAP. This means two to three million individuals will lose their food assistance entirely and nearly 300,000 children will lose free school meals.
  • Solidarity with Sudan: Tell President Obama that working with Sudan and South Sudan to achieve sustainable peace must remain a top priority of his foreign policy agenda as the country celebrates its one year anniversary.
  • Care of Earth: Urge U.S. Representatives to support the DeFazio amendment that would make void Monsanto’s rider in the 2012 Farm Bill requiring the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary permit for the planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop, even if a federal court has ordered.
  • The July Stop Trafficking newsletter co-sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth is located here.
  • Call and urge U.S. Senators (; charges apply) to co-sponsor and support the African Growth and Opportunity Act (S. 3326) that would keep rules in place to support the budding garment industry in Africa. With this rule set to expire on September 300, African manufacturers will die and millions will lose jobs.
  • Urge the Environmental Protection Agency to save Bristol Bayfrom the potential devastating impacts of Pebble Mine.
  • Urge U.S. Representatives to oppose H.R. 4402, the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2012that would allow mining companies to negotiate with federal agencies to shortcut the critical public review process.

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