Prayer for the canonization of Bl. Frederic

John Freund, CM
July 11, 2012

In the hope of obtaining a miracle through his intercession Lord,
You made Blessed Frederic Ozanam a witness of the Gospel, full of wonder at the mystery of  the Church.
You inspired him to alleviate poverty and injustice and endowed him with untiring generosity  in the service of all who were suffering.
In family life, he revealed a most genuine love as a son, brother, husband and father.
In secular life, his ardent passion for the truth enlightened his thought, writing and teaching.
His vision for our society was a network of charity encircling the world and he instilled St.
Vincent de Paul’s spirit of love, boldness and humility.
His prophetic social vision appears in every aspect of his short life, together with the radiance  of his virtues.
We thank you Lord, for those many gifts and we ask, if it is your will, the grace of a miracle  through the intercession of Blessed Frederic Ozanam.
May the Church proclaim his holiness, as a saint, a providential light for today’s world!
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Dr. Micahel Thio writes..
28 June 2012
Dear Vincentians,
Subject: New Canonisation Prayer for Blessed Frederic Ozanam
The Peace and Love of Christ be with you.

The Permanent Section at its meeting on 16 & 17 June 2012 in  Bangkok have approved the new Canonisation Prayer for Blessed  Frederic Ozanam composed by the Commission for the cause of  Canonisation which is presided over by Amin A de Tarrazi, the  former 12 th President General of CGI. Special appreciation is  accorded to the efforts of Msgr Renauld de Dinechin, Auxiliary  Bishop of Paris, Dr. Austin Fagan, David Williams and Amin A de  Tarrazi for their insightful contributions. The new Canonisation  Prayer is displayed towards the end of this circular.

In his report to the Permanent Section, Amin shared that close,  frequent and steady contacts have been established and  developed with the Postulation of the cause ensured by the  Congregation of the Mission. Father Giuseppe Guerra, CM, with  whom Amin worked for some years during the beatification  process, sustains presently our endeavours with a constant availability, in link with Father Luigi
Mezzadri. CM, Postulator. We are still awaiting the grace of a miracle through the intercession  of Blessed Frederic Ozanam.

To enhance the cause, the Canonisation Commission sent out a circular letter in February of last  year and let us recall them briefly:-
1. Seize all opportunities to make Blessed Frederic Ozanam better known, through the  Church as well as through the various medias (press, radio, television, internet etc.).
2. Encourage the publication of works dedicated to Blessed Frederic in all fields and for all  categories of readers.
3. Organise religious celebrations, retreats, conferences, symposia, discussion groups.
4. Produce special events, plays, films, fostering a deeper knowledge and understanding of  our Society’s principal founder’s figure and image.
5. Unceasing prayer with fervour and perseverance the blessing of a miracle through  Blessed Frederic Ozanam’s intercession.

To reach our goal, prayer is essential but we must add value to it bound by our efforts to take  any initiative, seize any opportunity, helping to enhance Blessed Frederic’s radiance and to  draw in his life, his virtues, his achievements and his courage of carrying on serenely his earthly  pilgrimage. All of us are fully committed in this exalting adventure!

We would encourage and urge all Conferences and Councils to recite the new Canonisation  Prayer faithfully and fervently at your meetings invoking the blessing of a miracle to honour
Blessed Frederic’s holiness as a saint. “Until now you have not asked for anything in my  name. Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete” (John 16:24)
In Jesus name we pray and through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary and St. Vincent de Paul.

God bless you all.

Yours most appreciatively in the service of Christ,
Dr. Michael Thio
President GeneralLe Président Général Dr. Michael Thio, D.H.


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