Leavenworth Sisters of Charity offer 'Moments of Grace' retreats

John Freund, CM
July 9, 2012

Explore ‘Moments of Grace’ in creation –  personal, cosmological, historical and communal – will be the focus of two separate spiritual opportunities hosted by Marillac Center, Leavenwor Kan., this summer: a day of prayer on Saturday, July 28, and a six-day retreat from July 29 through Aug. 5.

On Saturday, July 28, Sister Gail Worcelo, sgm, and Sister Rejane Cytacki, SCL, will facilitate a day of prayer from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., O’Shea Conference Center, SCL Mother House.  Sponsored by the SCL Care of Creation Committee, the day of prayer will center on how to be open to the moments of grace that deepen our Christ consciousness within creation.  The day will include input, ritual, reflection and sharing. Cost for the day of prayer is $15  per person and includes lunch. Scholarships are available.

Sister Gail is a retreat leader, teacher and lecturer with degrees in clinical psychology and Christian spirituality. She is co-founder with the late Rev. Thomas Berry of Green Mountain Monastery, Greensboro, Vt., a new contemplative community dedicated to the evolution of Christ consciousness and carrying the beauty of the Catholic tradition forward to its full flowering.

Sister Rejane brings a passion and commitment to care of the earth as a teacher with degrees in cultural anthropology, education and ecospirituality (2012).

From Sunday, July 29, through Sunday, Aug. 5, Sister Gail will give a retreat titled “Evolutionary Christianity: A New Moment of Grace.” Over the six days, Sister Gail will explore moments of grace as privileged times of special creativity that shape the future in enduring and irreversible ways. She will point to a new moment of grace in the Christian tradition and the call of the living Christ to enter into his spirit of unitive consciousness in this cosmological/planetary era.

To inquire about fees or scholarships, or to register for the day of prayer, the retreat or both, contact Marillac Center at schase@scls.org or 913-680-2342, or visit www.marillaccenter.org.

A “fact sheet’ about the this branch of the Vincentian Family …

The Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth is a community of women religious (Catholic sisters) with a special commitment to serve persons who are poor. The SCL Mother House is located in Leavenworth, Kan., with Sisters serving ministries in the continental United States and in Peru, South America.

  • The Sisters trace their roots to Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac who in 17th century France founded the first community of vowed women religious who ministered outside the walls of cloistered convents.
  • The SCL community was founded in 1858 when Mother Xavier Ross and a small group of sisters came to Kansas from Nashville, Tenn., at the invitation of Bishop John Baptist Miege.
  • In a short amount of time, the Sisters established ministries to educate young people, care for the sick and provide a home for orphans.
  • Over the many years of their history, education and health care services have remained primary ministries of the Sisters as they taught and administered at the elementary, secondary and college levels and established hospitals and clinics in Kansas and western states.
  • Today, the SCLs serve in a variety of ministries including parish and diocesan administration, health care, medicine and nursing, education, social services, spiritual development and many others.
  • The Sisters’ “sponsored works/ministries” (incorporated ministries) include:
    –Cristo Rey, Kansas City, Mo.;
    Mount Saint Vincent Home, Denver, Colo.;
    –the SCL Health System (nine hospitals and four clinics for the uninsured in California, Colorado, Kansas and Montana); and
    –the University of Saint Mary with campuses in Leavenworth, Kan., and Overland Park, Kan.
  • There are 300 members of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth.
  • There are 225 Associates, lay men and women who have made a commitment to share the values and partner in the ministries of the SCLs.
  • Leadership of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth includes a Community Council elected every six years at a Chapter (general meeting) of the religious community.
  • Current Council members are Sister Maureen Hall, Sister Nancy Bauman, Sister Eileen Haynes, and Sister Eileen Hurley.
  • For more information, visit the SCL website at http://www.scls.org/ or call 913-758-6541, or connect with the SCLs on Facebook.


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1 Comment

  1. jbf

    From Therese Horvat…

    “We appreciate that you publicized two spiritual opportunities being hosted at the SCL campus, but someone shared with me that there were some quirky things that happened with the information when it was imported through your email distribution. here’s correct version. Thank you.

    Two spiritual opportunities to celebrate
    moments of grace in life, creation
    Moments of grace – personal, cosmological, historical and communal – will be the focus of two separate spiritual opportunities hosted by Marillac Center, Leavenworth, Kan., this summer, and sponsored by the Care of Creation Committee of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCLs).

    On Saturday, July 28, Sister Gail Worcelo, sgm, and Sister Rejane Cytacki, SCL, will facilitate a day of prayer from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., O’Shea Conference Center, SCL Mother House. The day of prayer will center on how to be open to the moments of grace that deepen our Christ consciousness within creation. The day will include input, ritual, reflection and sharing. Cost for the day of prayer is $15 per person and includes lunch. Scholarships are available.

    Sister Gail is a retreat leader, teacher and lecturer with degrees in clinical psychology and Christian spirituality. She is co-founder with the late Rev. Thomas Berry of Green Mountain Monastery, Greensboro, Vt., a new contemplative community dedicated to the evolution of Christ consciousness and carrying the beauty of the Catholic tradition forward to its full flowering.

    Sister Rejane brings a passion and commitment to care of the earth as a teacher with degrees in cultural anthropology, education and ecospirituality.

    From Sunday, July 29, through Sunday, Aug. 5, Sister Gail will give a retreat titled “Evolutionary Christianity: A New Moment of Grace.” Over the six days, Sister Gail will explore moments of grace as privileged times of special creativity that shape the future in enduring and irreversible ways. She will point to a new moment of grace in the Christian tradition and the call of the living Christ to enter into his spirit of unitive consciousness in this cosmological/planetary era.

    To inquire about fees or scholarships, or to register for the day of prayer, the retreat or both, contact Marillac Center at schase@scls.org or 913-680-2342, or visit http://www.marillaccenter.org.”